I will review your product depending on what it is! Just send me an e-mail at airingmylaundryblog@gmail.com with the details. Generally it works best if I can review a product with a giveaway to readers--this tends to bring more people in.
I will also post links on my sidebar or in blog entries for a fee. For the links on the side I charge $20 for the first month and $15 for each month after that. I charge $150 for blog entries. The fees are negotiable. I understand some companies are just starting off and I respect that. Just e-mail me and we can discuss options. I can no longer work without any form of compensation though because I put a lot of time and effort into my posts. I wouldn't expect you to work for free either.
When I do a review and/or giveaway, I always share on my social media accounts. Learn more about those in the Contact Me tab.
Thank you!